Dentists in Methuen on Storage and Maintenance
Hands down one of the most important pieces of the oral health puzzle is the toothbrush. Proper twice a day at-home brushing practices assist in not only prevention of tooth decay (amongst other issues) but also in the maintenance of your amazing teeth. Today, your dentists in Methuen are here to discuss some ways you can keep your brush in the top shape it can be in order to always have your teeth at their best.
One of the most important steps to take following, and even before your brushing, is to sterilize your brush. The best way of doing this is simply by rinsing the head off with hot water and scrubbing through the bristles with a finger. This combination of actions will ensure that any lingering bacteria are flushed from the head before you use it again.
Storage of the brush after use is also an extremely important step to consider next. Make sure that after cleaning you allow your brush to dry upright in a holder that allows for ventilation. Do not cover the head of the brush nor allow it to make contact with any other brushes or surfaces, as this may put it at risk of cross or re-contamination of some sorts. If the bottom of your toothbrush holder is closed, make sure to clean it out frequently as well. For this can be a place that bacteria may drip down to and collect over time, creating a “gunk” that is just as unpleasant as it sounds.
One final step to take that will ensure the integrity of your brush is knowing when to say goodbye. Every 3-4 months you should be throwing your brush away and seeking a replacement. It is at this time period that the bristles will start to become less efficient in cleaning due to the wear they have undergone from your regular regimen.
By combining these crucial preventative and maintenance steps with a proper at-home regimen, and regular visits to your dentists in Methuen, you will be set up with a beautiful smile to share for years to come. Schedule an appointment in our Methuen office today by calling (978) 683-3343.