Tips From a 01844 Dentist For Your Whitest Smile on the Big Day
Not everyone will agree that their wedding dress should be white. Many people choose colored dresses for cultural reasons while others choose colors as a personal fashion choice. But no matter what color you choose to wear when you say ‘I Do,’ everyone can agree that the best shade for your teeth is pearly white. It’s not uncommon today for brides and grooms to want to look their best on their wedding day. For some people, this means growing out their hair or getting into healthy physical shape while for others it means working on a brighter, whiter smile.
Teeth whitening is a very common cosmetic procedure that can help you to achieve your best smile on your wedding day. Depending on whether you choose an in-office procedure at our 01844 dentist office or a take home kit, whitening can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. If you’re worried about tooth sensitivity from teeth whitening products, Dr. Albert Sandler offers a deep bleaching take-home system with a neutral pH and moderate concentration bleaching gel in custom trays for 2 weeks. The neutral pH of this gel provides the benefit of whitening strength without the hassle of tooth sensitivity.
'Day of' Tips
Try dry brushing without toothpaste before you brush with toothpaste. Dry brushing can help to remove a lot of stains, tartar and plaque that build up on the teeth. Your teeth will look fresher and brighter!
We know a lot of our patient’s morning ritual is to immediately fill their mug with coffee, however we suggest you skip the tea, coffee, red wine and soda on the days leading up to your wedding. All the hard work you put into whitening may get slightly diminished by the stains that these drinks can leave on your teeth. Try drinking water and eating fiber-rich food like apples, carrots and broccoli to help exfoliate your teeth and loosen stains!
Try wearing a slightly brighter colored lipstick to contrast the whiteness of your teeth. The color contrast will help to enhance your already white smile for a brighter and whiter shine on your special day.
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